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Fridays For Future - Climate Strike Thailand

CAS learning outcome

  • 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


Greta Thuberg’s school strike for climate change has inspired many students in other nations all around the world to come together and protest against the lack of action being done about climate change. This led to the formation of the Fridays for Future movement, in which students take time off class on Fridays to demand actions from political leaders to prevent climate change.

On November 20, 2019 I attended the protest in Bangkok on Ari street and I was actually surprised to see that so many students, and also teachers, have skipped school to protest about climate change. We marched from the meeting point, Sena Place Hotel, to the Pollution Control Department in the Ministry of Natural Resources all while chanting “What do we want?” “Climate justice!” “When do we want it?” “Now!”

I’m really glad that I decided to take action about climate change by joining this protest because I gained a lot of inspiration from talking to other people about some ways in which schools could reduce plastic waste and the ways in which pollution in Thailand could be reduced. I decided to take further action by joining the Wells Greenhawks club to make the school environment a more environmentally friendly place.


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