CAS Learning Outcome
Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively
As a part of the SerWIS club, a student led organization at Wells International School, I helped assemble around a hundred medical kits containing basic first aid items to donate to Duang Prateep Foundation. The main goal of this club is to give back to the local community, and we do so by helping out local non-profit organizations fighting for human rights and equality. In the beginning this project seemed somewhat challenging, since it would require a lot of funding to create medical kits. However, by working as a team we were able to push past this obstacle by organizing fundraisers and booths. During this process I learnt soft skills such as creativity and event organization.
After passing through the first obstacle there were still many more barriers to cross such as ensuring quality of the medical kits packed.
I persevered with my service minded attitude and happily sacrificed many hours to ensure the best product was created. This experience has taught me resilience, to keep on going even when things may not seem to work out as well as I hoped. Through teamwork, we were finally able to package medical kits to donate to those in need of help.