On November 24, 2020 I volunteered to help make fabricated breast prostheses to help support patients with breast cancer in public hospitals. The fabricated breast prostheses were made by using common items including skin-colored cloth, cotton, and a small weighted sack. After around a 100 items were created, I went to donate these protheses to Siriraj Hospital, which is the largest and oldest public hospital in Thailand. This experience has helped me develop a new skill of stitching with a thread and needle, which will be useful in everyday life as well to prepare me for my goal of working as a healthcare professional. I also realized that working collaboratively with others has increased the efficiency of the process of creation of breast prosthesis. At the event I was also elected as a speaker to reflect on my thoughts about the donation of fabricated breast prostheses to women in need, and I realized the larger significance of my actions. I reflected that a small action like this can help give women with breast cancer newfound confidence, which will in turn influence so many aspects of their lives. Overall I was really happy that I had a chance to help bring a smile to breast cancer patients as well as give them confidence for life after treatment.
CAS learning outcomes
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively