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TOK Passion Project on Poverty

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Here is the link to the presentation given on Wells Symposium day 2020

Investigation and Preparation

After being aware of the effects of poverty on socio cultural issues that in turn influence health and well being, I felt that it was my responsibility as a global citizen to help combat this problem through a heart of service.

I did an action research to figure out the specific ways in which I could help in my local community. I realized that Covid-19 was greatly impacting the world, and has caused many people to face poverty if they do not continue to work in high-risk jobs.

Action and Reflection

So I decided to help by leading a team which successfully assembled 100 face-shields to distribute to public workers in my community, such as the bus drivers and construction workers, as a way of helping reduce the risk of them contracting the virus.It was not an easy task to accomplish this project but the smile of the people at the end was my motivation to keep on going. I believe that this project I pursued has prepared me with skills such as empathy for others that will allow me to be a passionate doctor.


A few weeks later, I was invited to give a presentation at the Wells Online Symposium day to share my project with younger students in hope that it might raise awareness on poverty as well as inspire someone else to be kind and help others.


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